Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is Guest integration services

Integration services allow the virtualization host to extract information and perform operations on a hosted VM. It is usually necessary to install Hyper-V integration services on a VM, though Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 include Hyper-V integration services by default. Integration services installation files are available for all operating systems that are supported on Hyper-V. You can enable the following integration services:
Operating system shutdown. This integration service allows you to shut down the VM from the virtualization host, rather than from within the VM’s operating system.
Time synchronization. This synchronizes the virtualization host’s clock with the VM’s clock. It ensures that the VM clock doesn’t drift when the VM is started, stopped or reverted to a checkpoint.
Data Exchange. Allows the virtualization host to read and modify specific VM registry values.
Heartbeat. This allows the virtualization host to verify that the VM operating system is still functioning and responding to requests.
Backup (volume checkpoint). For VMs that support Volume Shadow Copy, this service synchronizes with the virtualization host, allowing backups of the VM while the VM is in operation.
Guest services. They allow you to copy files from the virtualization host to the VM using the Copy-VMFile Windows PowerShell cmdlet.

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