Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Here is how you check the basic network connectivity:
  1. Use Ping to test connectivity from CL1 to DC1:
      Ping DC1
  1. Use Test-NetConnnection to test connection to DC1:
      Test-Connection -ComputerName DC1
  1. Test with a simple true/false return:
      Test-Connection -ComputerName DC1 -Quiet
  1. Test multiple systems at once:
      Test-Connection -ComputerName 'DC1','DC2','SRV1' -Count 1
  1. Test connectivity to DC1 for SMB traffic:
      Test-NetConnection -ComputerName DC1 -CommonTCPPort SMB
  1. Get a detailed connectivity check, using DC1 with HTTP:
      Test-NetConnection -ComputerName DC1 -CommonTCPPort HTTP `
                         -InformationLevel Detailed
  1. Check connectivity to a port (LDAP on DC1):
      Test-NetConnection -ComputerName DC1 -Port 445
  1. Check connectivity to a system that is up and running but for a port that does not exist or is not open:
      Test-NetConnection -ComputerName DC1 -PORT 9999
  1. Finally, test for a system that does not exist:
      Test-NetConnection -ComputerName DC99 -PORT 9999

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