Tuesday, May 8, 2018

sqlmap -u

To scan a URL, we use the following command:
        sqlmap -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=1"
Once a SQL has been detected, we can choose yes (Y) to skip other types of payloads:

Once SQL has been detected, we can list the database names using the --dbs flag:

We have the databases now; similarly, we can use flags such as --tables and --columns to get table names and column names:

To check whether the user is a database administrator, we can use the --is-dba flag:

The sqlmap command has a lot of flags. We can use the following table to see the different types of flags and what they do:
  1. The sqlmap command has a lot of flags. We can use the following table to see the different types of flags and what they do:
Dumps all table names
Specifies a table name to perform an operation on
Executes an operating system command
Prompts a command shell to the system
Specifies a filename to run the SQL test on
Dumps everything
Uses a tamper script
Shows estimated time remaining to dump data
We can manually choose a database and perform injection for specific database types only
Specifies a proxy

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