Sunday, October 1, 2017

Lesson 12 Basic Linux Commands

Fill in the Answer column with the proper Linux command.

1. Remove the empty Linux directory called personal.
rmdir /personal
2. Change the current directory to the root directory.
cd /root
3. List all of the files, including hidden files, in the boot directory.
ls -a /boot
4. Find all files named secret.txt (ignoring sentence case) in the current directory and all subdirectories.
grep secret.txt
5. Rename myfile1 to myfile2.
mv myfile1 myfile2
6. Create a new directory called working.
mkdir working
7. Display the contents of the secret.txt file.
cat secret.txt
8. Remove the personal directory, including any files and subfolders.
rm -rf personal
9. Copy the secret.txt file from the current directory into the /home/quarantine directory.
cp secret.txt dir /home/quarantine

10. Display the current directory path.

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