Saturday, September 9, 2017

Questions Chapter 4...

1.         What are the five steps of a hacking attack?
1.                  Hackers look for easy targets and find out information about them and their systems.
2.                  Breaking into your system.
3.                  Getting authority to control everything on your system.
4.                  Hiding the evidence of their break-in.
5.                  They load programs and passwords on your PC to give them easy access in the future.
2.         During the Reconnaissance step of the attack, describe what ZenMap GUI performs to do passive OS fingerprinting?  Nmap
3.         What step in the hacking attack process uses ZenMap GUI?  Fingerprinting and port scanning.
4.         What step in the hacking attack process identifies known vulnerabilities and exploits?
            Vulnerability scan
5.         During the scanning step of the hacking attack process, you identified known software vulnerabilities in a Windows XP Professional workstation. List the name and number of    the critical Microsoft vulnerabilities identified. What is vulnerability “MS08-067” ?
            Microsoft Windows Server Service Crafted RPC Request Handling Remote Code             Execution(958644) MS08-067
            Vulnerability MS08-067 is a very old security vulnerability that allows an attacker      to take advantage of an exploit that allows a computer worm to remotely run code      without user intervention.
6.         Which tool and application were used to exploit the identified vulnerability on the targeted             Microsoft 2003 XP SP2 workstation?
            Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption. MSF Assistant.
7.         If you are a member of a security penetration testing team, and you identify vulnerabilities and exploits, should you obtain written permission from the owner’s prior to compromising and exploiting the known vulnerability? Yes
8.         What does the tool Ettercap do?
            It is used for computer network protocol analysis and security auditing. It’s capable of intercepting traffic on a network segment, capturing passwords, and conducting active eavesdropping against a number of common protocols.
9.         The most important step in the five step hacking process is step 5 where the security practitioner must remediate the vulnerability and eliminate the exploit. What is the name and number of the Microsoft Security Bulletin?  Back Track virtual machine
10.       What is the name of the Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Security Patch needed to remediate this software vulnerability and exploit?

            Metasploit Framework GUI

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