Sunday, May 14, 2017

netstat and arp questions with answers

 1. What command can you issue from the command line to view the status of the system’s ports?
 A. netstat -p
 B. netstat -o
 C. netstat -a
 D. netstat –y
2. Which of the following tools can you use to perform manual DNS lookups on a Linux system? (Choose two.)
 A. dig
 B. nslookup
 C. tracert
 D. dnslookup
3. Which of the following commands generates a “Request Timed Out” error message?
 A. ping
 B. netstat
 C. ipconfig
 D. nbtstat
4. Which of the following commands would you use to add a static entry to the ARP table of a Windows system?
 A. arp -a IP Address MAC Address
 B. arp -s MAC Address IP Address
 C. arp -s IP Address MAC Address
 D. arp -i IP Address MAC Address
5. Which command created the following output?

 A. nbtstat
 B. ipconfig
 C. tracert
 D. nslookup

 Answers1. C. Administrators can quickly determine the status of common ports by issuing the netstat -a command from the command line. This command output lists the ports used by the system and whether they are open and listening.
2. A, B. Both the dig and nslookup commands can be used to perform manual DNS lookups on a Linux system. You cannot perform a manual lookup with the tracert command. There is no such command as dnslookup.
3. A. The ping command generates a “Request Timed Out” error when it cannot receive a reply from the destination system. None of the other commands listed produce this output.
4. C. The command arp -s IP Address MAC Address would correctly add a static entry to the ARP table. None of the other answers are valid ARP switches.
5. D. The output was produced by the nslookup command. The other commands listed produce different output.

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