Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Software-Defined Network

The key characteristics of SDN Architecture are given in the following. Programmable

Since the network services are separated from the forwarding layer and are deployed as software applications, they are programmable and it is easy to add and update features. Agile

The administrator has more flexibility to manage network traffic flow to meet customer demands. Central Management

The network intelligence is centralized and software‐based. This allows it to maintain a global view of the network, appearing to applications and policy engines as a single, logical switch. Configurable

Network management programs are not dependent on the proprietary hardware, so network managers can write programs to manage, configure and operate network resources.
Open standard-based and vendor-neutral: SDN simplifies network design and operation because instructions are provided by SDN controllers instead of multiple, vendor‐specific devices and protocols.

Transfer and seize operations master roles

You may be familiar with seizing FSMO roles from previous versions of Windows Server. In previous versions, you would use the  ntdsutil.exe command-line utility, but in Windows Server 2016 it needs to be done in

Understand offline maintenance using ntdsutil. The ntdsutil command-line tool is a primary method by which system administrators perform offline maintenance. Understand how to launch this tool by entering ntdsutil at a command prompt.

Cloning a source Domain Controller - Windows 2012 R2

Considerations for Virtualization - Time Synchronization

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