Sunday, November 17, 2019

Native advertising

Native advertising is controversial. Critics contend that the purpose of native ads is  to deceive or fool the consumer into thinking the ad has the same validity as the editorial  content in media. In December 2015, the Federal Trade Commission issued an enforcement policy statement on deceptively formatted advertisements and guidelines, setting  forth explicit rules for native ads. The FTC said it would examine the entire ad, including  factors such as its overall appearance, its similarity of its style to editorial content on the  site on which it appears, and the degree to which it is distinguishable from such content.  It further advised that labels indicting the commercial nature of the content need to be  prominently displayed upon the viewer’s first contact with the contact (Federal Trade  Commission, 2015a, 2015b). In 2016, in the first action under the new guidelines, the FTC  charged that a native advertising campaign run by national retailer Lord & Taylor’s on  Instagram deceived consumers. Lord & Taylor agreed to settle the complaint in March  2016 (Feil, 2016).  Content Marketing Native advertising is usually focused on partnering with a specific  publisher. Content marketing creates a content campaign for a brand and then tries to  secure placement on a variety of websites. Examples of content include articles, infographics, case studies, interactive graphics, white papers, and even traditional press releases.  The aim of content marketing is to increase visitors to a company’s website, organic search  rankings, and brand engagement via social media (Libert, 2015).

Laudon, Kenneth C.. E-Commerce 2018 (p. 370). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.


Ubiquity—Internet/web technology is  available everywhere: at work, at home,  and elsewhere via mobile devices, anytime.  Work and shopping can invade family life; shopping can distract workers at work,  lowering productivity; use of mobile devices can lead to automobile and industrial accidents. Presents confusing issues of “nexus” to taxation authorities.

 Which of the following features of e-commerce technology can result in work and shopping invading family life?

information density
global reach


Laudon, Kenneth C.. E-Commerce 2018 (p. 531). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

DirectAccess planning question and answers

Windows Server 2016 Security, Certificates, and Remote Access Cookbook

One of the most confusing parts about setting up DirectAccess is that there are many different ways to do it. Some are good ideas, while others are not. Before we get rolling with recipes, we are going to cover a series of questions and answers to help guide you towards a successful DA deployment. One of the first questions that always presents itself when setting up DirectAccess is How do I assign IP addresses to my DA server?. This is quite a loaded question because the answer depends on how you plan to implement DA, which features you plan to utilize, and even upon how secure you believe your DA server to be. Let me ask you some questions, pose potential answers to those questions, and discuss the effects of making each decision.
  • Which client operating systems can connect using DirectAccess?
Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8.x Enterprise, and Windows 10 Enterprise or Education. You'll notice that the Professional SKU is missing from this list. That is correct; Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 Pro do not contain the DirectAccess connectivity components. Yes, this does mean that Surface Pro tablets cannot utilize DirectAccess out-of-the-box. However, I have seen many companies now install Windows 10 Enterprise onto their Surface tablets, effectively turning them into Surface Enterprises. This works well and does indeed enable them to be DA clients. In fact, I am currently typing this text on a DirectAccess connected Surface Pro turned Enterprise tablet.
  • Do I need one or two NICs on my DirectAccess server?
Technically, you could set up either way. In practice, however, it really is designed for dual-NIC implementation. Single NIC DirectAccess works okay sometimes to establish a proof-of-concept to test out the technology, but I have seen too many problems with single NIC implementations in the field to ever recommend it for production use. Stick with two network cards, one facing the internal network and one facing the Internet.
  • Do my DirectAccess servers have to be joined to the domain?
  • Does DirectAccess have site-to-site failover capabilities?
Yes, though only Windows 8.x and 10 client computers can take advantage of it. This functionality is called Multi-Site DirectAccess. Multiple DA servers that are spread out geographically can be joined together in a multi-site array. Windows 8 and 10 client computers keep track of each individual entry point and are able to swing between them as needed or at user preference. Windows 7 clients do not have this capability and will always connect through their primary site.
  • What are these things called 6to4, Teredo, and IP-HTTPS that I have seen in the Microsoft documentation?
6to4, Teredo, and IP-HTTPS are all IPv6 transition tunneling protocols. All DirectAccess packets that are moving across the Internet between a DA client and DA server are IPv6 packets. If your internal network is IPv4, then when those packets reach the DirectAccess server they get turned down into IPv4 packets by some special components called DNS64 and NAT64. While these functions handle the translation of packets from IPv6 into IPv4 when necessary inside the corporate network, the key point here is that all DirectAccess packets that are traveling over the Internet part of the connection are always IPv6. Since the majority of the Internet is still IPv4, this means that we must tunnel those IPv6 packets inside something to get them across the Internet. That is the job of 6to4, Teredo, and IP-HTTPS. 6to4 encapsulates IPv6 packets into IPv4 headers and shuttles them around the Internet using protocol 41. Teredo similarly encapsulates IPv6 packets inside IPv4 headers, but then uses UDP port 3544 to transport them. IP-HTTPS encapsulates IPv6 inside IPv4 and then inside HTTP encrypted with TLS, essentially creating an HTTPS stream across the Internet. This, like any HTTPS traffic, utilizes TCP port 443. The DirectAccess traffic traveling inside either kind of tunnel is always encrypted since DirectAccess itself is protected by IPsec.
  • Do I want to enable my clients to connect using Teredo?
Most of the time, the answer here is yes. Probably the biggest factor that weighs on this decision is whether or not you are still running Windows 7 clients. When Teredo is enabled in an environment, this gives the client computers an opportunity to connect using Teredo, rather than all clients connecting in over the IP-HTTPS protocol. IP-HTTPS is sort of the catch-all for connections (it is used whenever Teredo and 6to4 are unavailable), but Teredo will be preferred by clients if it is available. For Windows 7 clients, Teredo is quite a bit faster than IP-HTTPS. So enabling Teredo on the server side means your Windows 7 clients (the ones connecting via Teredo) will have quicker response times, and the load on your DirectAccess server will be lessened. This is because Windows 7 clients connecting over IP-HTTPS are encrypting all of the traffic twice. This also means that the DA server is encrypting/decrypting everything that comes and goes twice. In Windows 8 and 10, there is an enhancement that brings IP-HTTPS performance almost on a par with Teredo, and so environments that are fully upgraded to Windows 8 and higher will receive less benefit from the extra work that goes into making sure Teredo works.
  • Can I place my DirectAccess server behind a NAT?
Yes, though there is a downside. Teredo cannot work if the DirectAccess server is sitting behind a NAT. For Teredo to be available, the DA server must have an External NIC with two consecutive public IP addresses. True public addresses. If you place your DA server behind any kind of NAT, Teredo will not be available and all clients will connect using the IP-HTTPS protocol. Again, if you are using Windows 7 clients, this will decrease their speed and increase the load on your DirectAccess server.
  • How many IP addresses do I need on a standalone DirectAccess server?
I am going to leave single NIC implementation out of this answer since I don't recommend it anyway. For scenarios where you are sitting the External NIC behind a NAT or, for any other reason, are limiting your DA to IP-HTTPS only, then we need one external address and one internal address. The external address can be a true public address or a private NATed DMZ address. Same with the internal; it could be a true internal IP or a DMZ IP. Make sure both NICs are not plugged into the same DMZ, however. For a better installation scenario that allows Teredo connections to be possible, you would need two consecutive public IP addresses on the External NIC and a single internal IP on the Internal NIC. This internal IP could be either a true internal or DMZ, but the public IPs really have to be public for Teredo to work.
  • Do I need an internal PKI?
Maybe. If you want to connect Windows 7 clients, then the answer is yes. If you are completely Windows 8 and above, then technically you do not need an internal PKI. But you really should use it anyway. Using an internal PKI, which can be a single, simple Windows CA server, greatly increases the security of your DirectAccess infrastructure. You'll find out during this chapter just how easy it is to implement certificates as part of the tunnel building authentication process, making your connections stronger and more secure.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Wi-fi devices for hacking

You can easily find lists of chipsets that support packet injection mode on many websites and forums in Internet, but we would recommend you first get familiar with the manuals written by the Aircrack-ng team at their website:
In our experience, the most popular suitable chipsets are as follows:
  • Atheros AR9271
  • Ralink RT3070
  • Ralink RT3572
  • Realtek 8187L
If you don't want to spend time on comparing various Wi-Fi interfaces and their parameters, we can recommend our favorites from the company Alpha Network:
  • Alfa AWUS 036 H on RTL8187 chipset
  • Alfa AWUS 036 NHR (v.2) on RTL8188RU chipset
TP-Link TP-WN722N is a very good USB dongle interface. You can see all those three interfaces in the following image:
Choosing an interface
Our "workhorses" for Wi-Fi pentesting
If you already have a Wi-Fi interface and you are not sure if it supports the packet injection mode, you can test it with the Aircrack-ng suite using the following manual:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Legendary God Mode

My first experience with invulnerability came in 1993 when I started playing DoomDoom was a first‐person shooter game that was divided up into nine level episodes. You played a character nicknamed DoomGuy who was a space marine who finds himself in Hell. There was a particular IDBEHOLDV cheat that made you invulnerable. This was considered God mode.
In 2007, with the debut of Windows 7 came a tool that was nicknamed God mode. Its real name is Windows Master Control Panel, although I personally think God mode sounds more epic.
Windows Master Control Panel gives you access to all the operating systems control panels within one folder. You can enable God mode in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 as well. The feature is useful for those in IT, those who manage a computer, and advanced Windows experts. Enabling God mode creates a folder that gives you access to every single Windows OS setting. The icon you see in Figure 2.8 is for the folder that gets created.
Screenshot depicting the icon of the God mode folder that gives you access to every single Windows OS setting.
Figure 2.8: God mode folder
In Lab 2.6, you'll enable Windows Master Control Panel.
It's not quite as exciting as being completely invulnerable in Doom, but as far as being in IT, having all these tools in one spot is pretty awesome. Before you start experimenting with the wide assortment of tools, you may want to consider taking a backup of your machine. As shown in Figure 2.9, when you open the GodMode folder, creating a backup and restore file will be one of the first options you see.
Screenshot displaying the list of a few of the wide assortment of the 260+ tools in God mode.
Figure 2.9: Just a few of the 260+ tools in God mode

Flow of security audit records

Colored rows and heatmap columns - sysinternas

Process list

Each row in the process list represents a running process on the local computer. Actually, that’s not technically accurate. As my friend and Windows Internals co-author David Solomon likes to point out, processes do not run—only threads can run. Threads—not processes—are the entities that Windows schedules for execution and that consume CPU time. A process is simply the container for a set of resources, including one or more threads. It’s also not accurate to refer to “active processes” or to “processes with running threads,” because many processes spend most of their lifetimes with none of their threads running or scheduled for execution. So each row in the process list really represents a process object on the system that has its own virtual address space and one or more threads that conceivably could execute code at some point. And as we’ll discuss later, the first few rows in the default (tree) view are exceptions. Going forward, I’ll refer to them as running processes.
Colored rows and heatmap columns
One of the first things that stands out in the process list is its use of color. Row colors distinguish different types or states of processes, and colored heatmaps within certain columns call attention to processes consuming resources.
A heatmap graphically highlights larger values in a table with shading or with different colors. The CPU Usage, Private Bytes, Working Set, and GPU Usage2 columns each show a pale shade of a distinct background color. For example, the CPU column is a very light green. When a process consumes a significant percentage of the resource’s availability, Procexp highlights that number with a correspondingly darker background shade. In Figure 3-2, you can see how the darker shades in the CPU and memory columns call your attention to the two processes consuming those resources. Similarly, the column headers’ shading corresponds to the systemwide consumption of that resource. For example, the Working Set column header’s background color becomes darker when total working set usage increases, even if no single process is consuming a significant percentage of working set. You can disable the heatmap feature by unselecting View | Show Column Heatmaps.
2 The GPU Usage column is not displayed by default.
FIGURE 3-2 Two processes consuming resources and demonstrating Procexp’s heatmap feature.
Although you can configure which process types and states are highlighted and in what row color, these are the defaults:
Image Light blue Indicates processes (“own processes”) that are running in the same user account as Procexp. Note that although they’re running in the same user account, they might be in different Local Security Authority (LSA) logon sessions, integrity levels, or terminal sessions, and therefore are not all necessarily running in the same security context. Also note that if you started Procexp as a different user, other applications on the desktop will not be highlighted as “own processes.”
Image Pink Designates services. These are processes containing one or more Windows services.
Image Dark gray Indicates suspended processes. These are processes in which all threads are suspended and cannot be scheduled for execution. Note that on Windows 8 and newer, the Process Lifetime Manager (PLM) regularly suspends “modern” or Universal Windows Platform (UWP) processes when they do not have focus. Also, processes that have crashed might appear as suspended while Windows Error Reporting handles the crash. (Don’t confuse this gray with the lighter gray color that, with default Windows color schemes, indicates the selected row when the Procexp window does not have focus.)
Image Violet Denotes “packed images.” Procexp uses simple heuristics to identify program files that might contain executable code in compressed form, encrypted form, or both. Malware often uses this technique to evade anti-malware and then unpack itself in memory and execute. Note that sometimes the heuristics result in false positives—for example, with debug builds of Microsoft Visual C++ applications.
Image Brown Indicates jobs. These are processes that have been associated with a job. A job is a Windows construct that allows one or more processes to be managed as a unit. Jobs can have constraints applied to them, such as memory and execution time limits. A process can be associated with at most one job. Jobs are not highlighted by default.
Image Yellow Indicates .NET processes. These are processes that use the Microsoft .NET Framework. This indicator is not enabled by default.
Image Cyan Indicates “Immersive” processes on Windows 8 or newer3. These processes are “modern” or UWP processes, or in some other way they can interact with the “modern” app environment. Explorer.exe is usually thought of as a regular Win32 desktop process, but it renders the modern Start menu and is typically reported as an “Immersive” process.
3 According to the IsImmersiveProcess API.
Image Bright pink Indicates protected processes. Protected processes are not highlighted by default.
If a process belongs to more than one of these color categories, the precedence order is Suspended, Immersive, Protected, Packed, .NET, Jobs, Services, Own Process. For example, if a process hosts a service and uses the .NET Framework, Procexp applies the highlight color associated with .NET processes because that has higher precedence than Services. Procexp requires administrative rights to recognize a packed image, a .NET process, or association with a job if the process is running at a higher integrity level or in a different user account from Procexp.
In addition to highlighting process types, Procexp highlights new processes and processes that have just exited. By default, when Procexp identifies a new process, it highlights its row in the process list with a green background for one second. When a process exits, Procexp keeps it in the list for one second, highlighted in red. Note that even though the process appears in the list, if it is highlighted in red, the process has already exited and no longer exists. You can configure how long the “difference highlight” lasts by choosing Difference Highlight Duration from the Options menu and entering a number from 0 to 9 in the dialog box. (See Figure 3-3.) Note that the actual duration also depends on the Procexp refresh interval. The difference highlighting changes only when the display is refreshed.
FIGURE 3-3 Difference Highlighting Duration dialog box.
To change whether a process type or difference is highlighted and in what color, choose Configure Colors from the Options menu. As indicated by Figure 3-4, you can enable or disable the highlighting of changes or process types by selecting or clearing the corresponding boxes. New Objects and Deleted Objects also refer to items appearing in the DLL view and Handle view. Relocated DLLs, which is not selected by default, applies only to DLL view. Click the Change button to display a color-picker dialog box to change the highlighting color for the corresponding highlight type. By clicking the Change button next to the
FIGURE 3-4 Configure Colors dialog box.
Graph Background option, you can change the background color for all of Procexp’s graphical representations described throughout this chapter. The Defaults button restores Procexp’s default colors but leaves the check box selections as they are.
Updating the display
By default, Procexp updates dynamic attributes in the display once per second. Dynamic attributes are those that are likely to change regularly, such as CPU time. You can pause the updating by pressing the space bar; pressing space again resumes the automatic refresh. (Procexp’s status bar indicates when updating is paused.) You can trigger a one-time update of all the displayed data (dynamic and static attributes) by pressing F5 or clicking the Refresh icon in the toolbar. Finally, you can change the automatic refresh duration through the Update Speed submenu of the View menu. The available intervals range from 0.5 seconds to 10 seconds.

Image Tip
Manually updating the display combined with difference highlighting is a great way to see all new and deleted objects across a time span of your choosing. Pause the update, perform actions on the system, and then press F5 in Procexp.

Default columns
Each column in the process list represents some static or dynamic attribute of the process. Dynamic attributes are updated at each automatic refresh interval. The default configuration of Procexp shows these columns:
Image Process This column shows the name of the executable, along with its icon if Procexp can identify the full path to the executable. The first three rows represent “pseudo-processes,” which I will describe in the “What you can expect to see” section shortly.
Image CPU This column shows the percentage of CPU time, rounded to two decimal places, consumed by the process in the last refresh interval. (It’s fully described in the “Process Performance tab” section later in this chapter. Also see the “Measuring CPU consumption” section earlier in this chapter for more information.)
Image Private Bytes This is the number of bytes allocated and committed by the process for its own use and that are not shareable with other processes. Per-process private bytes include heap and stack memory. Memory leaks are often exhibited by a continual rise in this value.
Image Working Set This column displays the amount of physical memory assigned to the process by the memory manager.
Image PID The process ID.
Image Description and Company Name Information in these columns is extracted from the version information resource of the executable image file. These columns are populated only if Procexp is able to identify the path to the file and can read from it. If Procexp is not running with administrative rights, it will not be able to read that information from nonservice processes running in a different security context.
You can choose to display many more attributes, which will be described in the “Customizing column selections” section later in this chapter.
You can resize columns by dragging the border lines in the column headers. You can autosize a column to its current content by double-clicking the border line to the right of the column title. And you can reorder columns—except for the Process column, which is always the leftmost—by dragging the column headers. The Process column is also always kept in the view; if the other columns are wider than can fit in the window, they can be scrolled horizontally.
Clicking on a column header sorts the table by the data in that column in ascending order. Clicking the same column header again toggles between ascending and descending order. For example, clicking on the CPU column to get a descending sort shows the processes consuming the most CPU at the top of the list. The list automatically reorders at each refresh interval as different processes consume more or less CPU. Again here, there’s an exception for the Process column.
One hidden trick in Procexp is that in both the main window and in the lower pane, pressing Ctrl+C copies the content of the selected row to the clipboard as tab-separated text.
Process tree
As mentioned, the Process column is always the first one displayed. It has three sorting modes: ascending, descending, and Process Tree.
By default, Procexp displays processes in a tree view, which shows the processes’ parent/child relationships. Whenever a process creates another process, Windows puts the process ID (PID) of the creating process (the parent) into the internal data structure of the new process (the child). Procexp uses this information to build its tree view. Unlike in UNIX, the process parent/child relationship is not used by Windows, so when a process exits, processes it created are not updated to identify another ancestor. In the Procexp tree view, processes that have no existing parent are left-aligned in the column.
You can collapse or expand portions of the tree by clicking the plus (+) and minus (–) icons to the left of parent processes in the tree, or you can do it by selecting those nodes and pressing the left and right arrow keys. Nodes that you collapse remain collapsed if you switch to an ascending or descending sort on the Process column or any other column.
Clicking the Process column header cycles through an ascending sort by process name, a descending sort, and the tree view. You can also switch to the tree view at any time by pressing Ctrl+T or by clicking the Show Process Tree toolbar icon.
Hovering the mouse pointer over a column entry in which the text does not fit within the column’s width displays a tooltip with the full text content of that entry. And yet again, the Process column is a special case.
By default, hovering the pointer over any process name displays its command line and the full path to its executable image, if Procexp can obtain that information. As mentioned earlier, obtaining that information can require administrative rights in some cases. The command line and image path are not shown in the tooltip if the corresponding columns are enabled for display. Likewise, if the Description or Company Name column is not enabled, the tooltip displays that information.
The tooltip shows additional information when possible. For example, when you hover the pointer over a service process, the tooltip lists the display and internal names of all the services hosted within that process. Hovering it over a WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSe.exe) process shows the WMI providers, namespaces, and DLLs in that instance. The tooltips for different operating systems’ task host processes—such as taskeng.exe, taskhost.exe, taskhostw.exe, or taskhostex.exe—displays the tasks running within it. And hovering the pointer over a “modern” app on Windows 8 or newer shows its full package name.
If the process has a user-defined comment associated with it and the Comment column is not selected for display, the comment also appears in the tooltip. (A user-defined comment can be entered in the Image tab of the process’ Properties dialog box. See the “Process details” section later in the chapter for more information.)
What you can expect to see
There are some patterns you can always expect to see in Procexp on a normal Windows system. Some processes and parent/child relationships will always appear, as well as some pseudo-processes that Procexp uses to distinguish categories of kernel-mode activity.
System processes
The first three rows in the Process Tree view are System Idle Process, System, and Interrupts. System Idle Process and Interrupts are not real operating system processes, and the System process does not run user-mode code.
The System Idle Process (called just “Idle” by some utilities) has one “thread” per CPU and is used to account for CPU idle time when Windows is not running any program code. Because it isn’t a real process, it doesn’t have a PID—there’s no PID 0 in Windows. However, because Task Manager shows an artificial System Idle Process and displays 0 in its PID column, Procexp follows suit and assigns it PID 0.
The System process hosts only kernel-mode system threads, which only ever run (as you might expect) in kernel mode. These threads typically execute operating system code from Ntoskrnl.exe and device driver code.
The Interrupts pseudo-process represents kernel-mode time spent servicing interrupts and deferred procedure calls (DPCs). Procexp represents Interrupts as a child process of System because its time is spent entirely in kernel mode. Windows does not charge the time represented by this pseudo-process to the System process nor to any other process. Older versions of Task Manager incorrectly included interrupt and DPC time in its numbers for the System Idle Process. A system with heavy interrupt activity would therefore have appeared to be idle according to Task Manager. If you have a high interrupt or DPC load, you might want to investigate the reason by using Xperf to trace interrupts and DPCs or Kernrate to monitor kernel-mode CPU usage. For more information about interrupts and DPCs, see Windows Internals.
Startup and Logon Processes
From the time Windows starts until the first user logs on, there’s a well-defined sequence of processes. By the time you log on and are able to see the process tree in Procexp, some of these processes have exited, so the user shell (typically Explorer.exe) appears on the left edge of the window with no parent process. For much more information on the startup and logon sequences, see Windows Internals.
As shown in Figure 3-5, the System process starts an instance of Smss.exe (the Session Manager), which remains running until system shutdown. That Smss.exe launches two new instances of Smss.exe, one in session 0 and one in session 1, which create processes in their respective sessions. Both of these instances end up exiting before a user logs on, so the initial Smss.exe always appears not to have child processes. The instance of Smss.exe in session 0 starts an instance of Csrss.exe (the “client-server runtime” Windows subsystem) in session 0 and Wininit.exe. Wininit.exe starts Services.exe (the Service Control Manager process) and Lsass.exe (the Local Security Authority subsystem). In session 1, Smss.exe starts a new instance of Csrss.exe and Winlogon.exe. Winlogon starts LogonUI.exe to prompt the interactive user for credentials, and then it starts Userinit.exe (which starts Explorer) after the user has authenticated. Both LogonUI and Userinit typically exit before the shell initializes and the user can start Procexp. Most services are descendants of Services.exe; Services.exe does not host any services itself.
FIGURE 3-5 Process tree in Windows 10.
To view the complete startup process tree for yourself, refer to the “Boot logging” section in Chapter 5, “Process Monitor.”
User Processes
There are some typical patterns you might wonder about in the Procexp display. For example, you might see “own processes” that are children of service processes rather than descendants of Explorer. The most common examples are out-of-process DCOM components. An application invokes a component that COM determines needs to be hosted in a separate process. Even though the new process might run as the interactive user, the new process is launched by the process hosting the DcomLaunch service rather than directly by the client process. Similarly, on Windows Vista and Windows 7, the Desktop Window Manager (Dwm.exe) is launched as the desktop user by the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service (UxSms). On Windows 8 and newer, Dwm.exe runs as a system-managed Window Manager account and is started by Winlogon.exe.
Another frequent pattern is the use of job objects. Some DCOM components, particularly Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) hosting processes, run with restrictions on the amount of memory they can allocate, the number of child processes they can start (if any), or the maximum amount of CPU time they can charge. Anything launched through the Secondary Logon service (for example, with RunAs) is added to a job so that the process and any children it launches can be tracked as a unit and terminated if they’re still running when the user logs off. Finally, the Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) tracks legacy applications on some versions of Windows so that it can offer a compatibility fix to the user if the PCA detects a potential compatibility problem for which it might have a solution after the last process in the job has exited. Jobs are not highlighted by default; see the “Colored rows and heatmap columns” section earlier in this chapter for more information.
Virtualization-based security in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 enables features such as Credential Guard and Device Guard, and it creates user-mode processes that are outside of the direct control of Windows. Procexp can display the existence of the Secure System and LsaIso.exe4 processes, but little else about them.
4 That’s an upper-case “i” and not a lower-case “L” – it’s short for “LSA Isolated.” It’s not “LS Also.”
Process actions
You can perform a number of actions on a process by right-clicking it or by selecting it and choosing any of the following options from the Process menu:
Image Window submenu If the process owns a visible window on the desktop, you can use the window submenu to bring it to the foreground or restore, minimize, maximize, or close it. The window submenu is disabled if the process owns no visible windows.
Image Set Affinity On multi-CPU systems, you can set processor affinity for a process so that its threads will run only on the CPU or CPUs you specify. (See Figure 3-6.) This can be useful if you have a runaway CPU-hogging process that must be allowed to keep running but throttled back so that you can troubleshoot it. You can use Set Affinity to restrict the process to a single core temporarily and free up other CPUs so that the system is still usable. (If a particular process should always be restricted to a single CPU and you can’t modify its source code, use the SingleProcAffinity application compatibility shim or, as a last resort, modify the file’s PE header to specify affinity.)
FIGURE 3-6 Dialog box for setting processor affinity on an eight-processor system.
Image Set Priority View or set the base scheduling priority for the process.
Image Kill Process You can forcibly terminate a process by choosing Kill Process or by clicking the Kill Process button in the toolbar. By default, Procexp prompts you for confirmation before terminating the process. You can disable that prompt by clearing Confirm Kill in the Options menu.

Image Warning
Forcibly terminating a process does not give the process an opportunity to shut down cleanly and can cause data loss or system instability. In addition, Procexp does not provide extra warnings if you try to terminate a system-critical process such as Csrss.exe. Terminating a system-critical process results in an immediate Windows blue screen crash.

Image Kill Process Tree When Procexp is in the process-tree sorting mode, this menu item is available and allows you to forcibly terminate a process and all its descendants. If the Confirm Kill option is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation first.
Image Restart When you select this item, Procexp terminates the highlighted process (after optional confirmation) and starts the same image using the same command-line arguments. Note that the new instance might fail to work correctly if the original process depended on other operating characteristics, such as the security context, environment variables, or inherited object handles.
Image Suspend If you want a process to become temporarily inactive so that a system resource—such as a network, CPU, or disk—becomes available for other processes, you can suspend the process’ threads. To resume a suspended process, choose the Resume item from the process context menu. Note that this feature can’t resume a “modern” app package that was suspended by the Process Lifetime Manager; the process will remain suspended.

Image Tip
Suspend can be useful when dealing with “buddy system” malware, in which two or more processes watch for each other’s termination, with the nonterminated one restarting its buddy if it dies. To defeat such malware, suspend the processes first and then terminate them. See Chapter 20, “Malware,” for additional information and for several real-world troubleshooting cases that succeeded with this technique.

Image Launch Depends If the Dependency Walker (Depends.exe) utility is found, Procexp launches it with the path to the executable image of the selected process as a command-line argument. Depends.exe shows DLL dependencies. It used to ship with various Microsoft products, and it’s now distributed through
Image Debug This menu item is available only if a debugger is registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug. Choosing Debug launches the registered debugger with –p followed by the selected process’ PID as the command-line arguments. Note that closing the debugger without detaching first terminates the debugee as well. If the debugger registration is changed while Procexp is running, Procexp needs to be restarted to pick up the change.
Image Create Dump submenu You use the options on this submenu to capture a minidump or a full memory dump of the selected process to a file location of your choosing. Procexp captures a 32-bit or 64-bit dump, depending on the process’ bitness. Capturing a dump does not terminate the process.
Image Check VirusTotal This item submits the SHA1 hash of the process’ image file to the web service and reports the result in the VirusTotal column. See the “VirusTotal analysis” section later in this chapter for more information.
Image Properties This menu item displays the Properties dialog box for the selected process, which displays a wealth of information about the process. It’s described in detail in the “Process details” section later in this chapter.
Image Search Online Procexp will launch a search for the selected executable name using your default browser and search engine. This option can be useful when researching malware or identifying the source of an unrecognized process.

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